video student testimonials
Tutoring/Test Taking Skills/Resources
Tutoring/Individual & Group Call 405-503-4491 to Schedule Individual Session: 1 hour - $67/hr Group Session: 1 - 2 hours - Price depends on size of group Topics Covered - customized to your needs In Person Tutoring Available in Some Cities Skype Tutoring Available in All Cities |
Test Taking Strategies ~
Test Taking Magic! Our test taking strategies course has saved many nursing students from falling off a cliff, i.e. flunking out of nursing school! We had three girls who had to make a high A score on their next nursing test or be dismissed from their nursing program. We did our test taking strategies with them and not only did they obtain their high A score on their next test, they continued to make high A scores throughout the remainder of their program! We wish this same success for you! Nursing student retention is a huge issue in our tech schools, colleges and universities. Statistics show that a whopping 70% of nursing students will drop out of a program. Why not change the course of history and END NURSING STUDENT ATTRITION! SIGN UP FOR ONE OF OUR COURSES OR ASK US TO BRING THE COURSE TO YOU! We love to travel to YOUR school so that the majority of students can be served. Call 405-503-4491 to book a class today! Start Passing with Confidence. In our test taking strategies course you will learn tools to help you pass your nursing and NCLEX tests! Our 5 step process is tried and true! It works! We have had a 99% pass rate for many years and the number one comment students give us is that without our strategies they would never have passed! With our strategies, they felt confident to answer the trickiest of questions which they had 'no clue' about! Our test taking strategies is a 4 hour class. Although you can take the course at any time, we find it best if scheduled about 1/3 of the way through your nursing program just about the time the heat starts getting turned up and you begin to realize that nursing school is likely the toughest thing you've ever encountered. Don't drown out there alone. Let us help you today. We Help YOU Pass with Confidence! Be a part of our 99% Pass Rate! |
Faculty Retreats
Professional Development Emotional Intelligence We plan and implement excellent retreats. Our retreat attendees are still sharing their transformational stories 5 years later. Our retreats are life-changing, transformational, highly interactive, and FUN! You and your faculty deserve the Best. Let us put this together for you! |